Confidentiality Policy

Confidentiality Policy















Last Updated: October 5, 2023

1. Personal data processing:

1.1. You want to pass one or more “LILATE” certifications issued by LINGUEO (Hereinafter the “” Certification (s) ”) via the dedicated platform accessible at (Hereinafter the” Platform ”):

  • Or at the end of a course in modern languages (Hereinafter the” Formation ”) provided by an authorized body (Hereinafter the” Training organization ”);
  • Or on the proposal of the company to which you submitted your application (Hereinafter the” Society ”).

1.2. In both cases, your registration on the Platform and its use involve the processing of personal data concerning you, defined as information that directly or indirectly identifies a natural person (Hereinafter the “” Personal data ”), according to the terms and conditions detailed in this privacy policy (Hereinafter the” Treatment ”).

1.3. Personal Data is collected and processed in the strictest confidentiality, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978. relating to Information Technology, files and freedoms (” Data Protection Act ”) and European Regulation No. 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the Processing of personal data (” RGPD ”).

Categories of Personal Data collected:

2.1. Personal Data entered by the Training Organization or the Company on the Platform:

2.1.1. Personal Data entered by the Training Organization:

  • Your first and last name;
  • Your email address;
  • The start and end dates of the Training, if applicable,
  • The method of financing the Training, if applicable,
  • Your “Professional Training Account” file number in the event that the possible Training is financed via the CPF;
  • The name of the Certification;
  • Optionally, your date of birth, gender and telephone number, as well as the level targeted for the Certification.

2.1.2. Personal Data entered by the Company:

  • Your first and last name;
  • Your email address;
  • The name of the Certification;
  • Optionally, your date of birth, your gender, your telephone number, the level targeted for the Certification.

2.2. Personal Data that you enter directly on the Platform:

  • Your date of birth and gender if this information has not been provided by the Training Organization or the Company;
  • Your photograph;
  • Your time zone;
  • Your professional situation, your sector of activity, your profession;
  • Your self-declared level as part of the Certification;
  • Your username to access the Platform.

2.3. Personal Data relating to the Certification (s):

  • Date of certification;
  • Dates of issue and end of validity of the Certification;
  • Score obtained.

2.4. Personal Data necessary to comply with the legal obligations imposed on LINGUEO in its capacity as a certification body:

  • Exam date;
  • The procedures for obtaining the Certification (i.e. by score);
  • The procedures for taking the exam (i.e. remotely on the Platform);
  • The date of issue of the Certification and its end of validity date;
  • The European language level and/or European digital level;
  • The score obtained;
  • The type of certification (i.e. professional certification registered in the specific directory of France Compétences), the wording of the Certification and the form number in the specific directory of Certification;
  • The link to the digital proof of obtaining the Certification.

2.5. Personal Data collected as part of surveys carried out by LINGUEO:

Personal Data may be collected as part of your answers to the questionnaires sent by LINGUEO after passing the Certification, namely mainly a satisfaction questionnaire and a questionnaire to assess the impact of the Certification on professional development.

2.6. Personal Data collected as a result of the use of the Platform:

The use of the Platform also involves the collection of connection data.

2.7. Cookies:

2.7.1. The Platform uses cookies, understood as a series of information, which can be transmitted to your browser by a website to which you connect (hereinafter the “(s)” Cookie (s) ”).

2.7.2. The functional Cookies that make it possible to optimize and personalize the consultation of the Platform are the following:

  • CRISP;

2.7.3. The depositing/reading of Cookies is subject to your prior consent. During your first visit to the Platform, you can accept or refuse all functional Cookies. via the dedicated banner that is displayed.

3. Responsibility for Treatments:

3.1. The person responsible for the Processing of Personal Data referred to in articles 2.1., 2.2 and 2.3 is The Training Organization from which you followed a training course or the Society who offered you to take the Certification as part of a recruitment process, according to the information and contact details he or she sent you, with LINGUEO acting in this regard as a subcontractor.

3.2. The Personal Data Processing Manager referred to in articles 2.4 to 2.7 is LINGUEO, simplified joint stock company with a capital of 79,672.00€, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 501 604 110, whose head office is located 29 bis rue Monge — 75005 Paris, represented by Mr. Guillaume LE DIEU DE VILLE, in his capacity as Manager, in his capacity as Manager, whose Data Protection Officer (DPO) is Maître Julie NIDDAM, residing at 5, rue Vernet — 75008 Paris — Tel.

4. Legal bases for processing - Purposes:

The Processing of Personal Data referred to in articles 2.4 to 2.7, for which LINGUEO acts as data controller, is based on legal bases and pursues the purposes summarized in the table below:

Données concernées Base(s) juridique(s) Finalités
Données Personnelles nécessaires au respect des obligations légales de LINGUEO (Art. 2.4) Obligation légale issue de la loi n°2018-771 du 5 septembre 2018 modifiée pour la liberté de choisir son avenir professionnel et ses textes d’application (« Accrochage des certificateurs ») (Art. 6, §1, c. du RGPD). Respect de l’obligation légale.
Données Personnelles collectées dans le cadre des enquêtes réalisées par LINGUEO (Art. 2.5) Intérêt légitime de LINGUEO d’améliorer ses services, pour les enquêtes de satisfaction (Art. 6, §1, f. du RGPD) ;

Obligation légale (Art. R 6113-15 du Code du travail) pour les enquêtes permettant d’évaluer l’impact de la Certification sur l’évolution professionnelle. (Art. 6, §1, c. du RGPD).
Poursuivre l’intérêt légitime de LINGUEO ;

Transmettre à France Compétences les données statistiques portant sur l'insertion professionnelle des titulaires des Certifications.
Données Personnelles collectées du fait de l’utilisation de la Plateforme (Art. 2.6) Intérêt légitime de LINGUEO de prévenir la fraude, optimiser la gestion de l’espace personnel sur la Plateforme et réaliser des statistiques (Art. 6, §1, f. du RGPD). Poursuivre l’intérêt légitime de LINGUEO.
Données collectées via les Cookies (Art. 2.7) Consentement (Art. 6, §1, a. du RGPD). Mettre à disposition un chat en ligne avec les équipes de LINGUEO (CRISP) ;

Analyser les statistiques de consultation de la Plateforme (GOOGLE ANALYTICS).

5. Recipients of Personal Data:

5.1. The Personal Data referred to in articles 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 are intended for authorized personnel of the Training Organization or the Company and communicated to third parties where applicable according to the methods he/she has specified to you.

5.2. The Personal Data referred to in articles 2.4 to 2.7 are intended for authorized LINGUEO personnel and are not communicated to third parties, with the exception of the Personal Data referred to in article 2.4, which is transmitted to Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations in the event that you pass a Certification at the end of a Training Course and that this Training is financed by the CPF, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 2018-771 of September 5, 2018, as amended. for the freedom to choose your professional future and its implementing decrees.

6. Shelf life:

6.1. The Personal Data referred to in articles 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 are kept for the duration and methods communicated to you by the Company.

6.2. The Personal Data referred to in article 2.4 is kept in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions referred to above.

6.3. The Personal Data referred to in article 2.5 is kept for the time necessary for the analysis of the surveys carried out via the questionnaires.

6.4. The event logs referred to in article 2.6 are kept for a period of 6 (six) months.

6.5. The retention periods of Cookies are detailed in the table below:

Cookies Durée de conservation Durée d’archivage intermédiaire
CRISP Jusqu’à la clôture du ticket d’assistance pour les demandes portant réclamations, ou à la fin de la conversation en cas de demande d’assistance simple 5 ans à compter de la demande d’assistance

7. Exercise of rights:

7.1. Personal Data referred to in articles 2.4 to 2.7:

7.1.1. You have the option, by contacting LINGUEO via the following email address: Of:

  • Exercise a right of access, in order to know the Personal Data concerning you as well as the information mentioned in article 15 of the RGPD;
  • Request that Personal Data concerning you, which would be inaccurate or incomplete, be rectified under the conditions provided for in article 16 of the RGPD;
  • Request that the Personal Data concerning you be deleted under the conditions provided for in article 17 of the RGPD;
  • Request the limitation of Personal Data concerning you under the conditions provided for in article 18 of the RGPD;
  • File a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL).

7.1.2. With respect to Personal Data whose legal basis is legitimate interest, you also have the possibility to object, for reasons relating to your particular situation, to their processing, by writing to the following email address:

7.1.3. You finally have the opportunity to:

  • Manage your preferences and withdraw your consent to the Processing of Cookies by clicking on the “I choose” tab;
  • Configure your browser so that Cookies are saved in your terminal or that they are rejected systematically or according to their sender, by going to the help menu of your browser (for more information, see also:
  • However, setting your browser to refuse Cookies may make certain functionalities of the Platform inaccessible.

7.1.4. For security reasons and to avoid any fraudulent request, LINGUEO reserves the right to ask you for proof of identity to exercise these rights, which will be kept for a maximum of one year.

7.2. Personal Data referred to in articles 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3:

You can exercise your rights directly with the Training Organization or the Company by contacting the Training Organization or the Company using the contact details provided to you.

8. Transfers outside the EU:

LINGUEO uses computer applications that may be hosted outside the European Union in a State benefiting from an adequacy decision issued by the European Commission and/or by means of appropriate guarantees, in accordance with articles 44 and following of the RGPD, which LINGUEO makes available to you.

9. Technical and organizational measures:

LINGUEO implements the organizational, technical, software and physical measures necessary to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and security of Personal Data and in particular to prevent them from being deformed, damaged or communicated to unauthorized persons.